Manufactured Inks

Inks produced by KWZ Ink can be divided into four basic groups:

  1. Iron-gall inks – traditional inks, darkening over time, characterized by high durability and waterproofness.
  2. Inks with a high resistance to water – based on dyes, with a high saturation and very vivid, water resistance vary from medium to very high.
  3. Waterproof inks – small group of inks designed high waterproofness and low maintenance at the same time.
  4. Standard inks – based on water soluble dyes, those inks offer variety of colors, they are mostly highly saturated and their maintenance is very easy as the contain only components easily soluble in water. But inks from this group are generally not water resistant.

Inks offered by us have flow characteristics optimized for use in fountain pens and they are intended to be used in fountain pens only. All of our inks are protected against microbial growth and have the appropriate stabilizers to ensure that the ink retains its properties over a long period of time – with optimal good storage conditions those would be decades, even for IG Inks.

All our inks are based on aqueous solutions, they do not contain additional solvents, strong acids or bases, which makes they remain inert to the materials used in the production of modern fountain pens.

Fountain pen users should have in mind that because of their nature inks from group 2 might stain pens made from celluloid or it derivatives. This applies only to combination of inks from group 2 and cellulose derived plastics.